Safety Information - Important


Last year approximately 1 in 4 boats at the BUSA regatta failed the safety checks that take place on the landing stages. THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, so please take time to read this note carefully before you boat this year.

The regatta is run under the guidelines laid out in the Amateur Rowing Association's Water Safety Code and Rules of Racing with regards to the safety standards to which every boat must comply.

All crews are also reminded that :-

It is the responsibility of the competitors to ensure that their boats are safe and are prepared to the standards required by the ARA Water Safety Code and the ARA Rules of Racing. Any boat that fails to meet the standard shall be excluded.

Regatta Officials will check your boat for the following :-


Every boat must at all times carry firmly attached to its bows a white ball of not less than 4cm diameter made of rubber or material of similar consistency. If your bow-ball is not securely fixed your crew will not be allowed to boat. If the bow-ball can be pushed round so it doesn't afford any protection then it will fail!

Heel Restraints

Heel restraints and "quick-release" mechanisms must be in proper and effective working order in all boats equipped with fitted shoes. (NB the heel should be prevented from rising higher than the lowest fixed point of the shoe). If your heel restraints are loose, insecure, in poor condition etc. they will fail the safety checks.

Condition and General Maintenance of the Boat

This includes the integrity of any buoyancy compartments. If any hatches are missing from buoyancy compartments or any seals or ventilation bungs are missing you will not be allowed to boat. If, in the official's opinion, your boat is generally in a 'poor' or 'unsafe' condition you will not be allowed to boat.

Coxswains Ability to Escape from Front-Coxed Boats

If you have a front-coxed boat and your coxswain is too big or is using a self-inflating buoyancy aid you may not be allowed to boat!

Remember: If you check all of these items before you boat and resolve any problems you could save yourself a lot of trouble! If the officials on the landing stages exclude your boat or you miss your race because you can't repair your boat in time then it will be your fault! These are BASIC SAFETY ISSUES to help protect both you and other competitors: IF YOUR BOAT ISN'T SAFE HERE, IT WASN'T SAFE "AT HOME" EITHER, AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!



Pages hosted and edited by the Rowing Service. Information from Nigel Mayglothling and copyright BUSA 2001.