Erg Challenge Entries

   The Rowing Service   

The Internet Erg Challenge pits your scores against the rest of the world.
Enter the Challenge and your scores will go into the results table for next month.
And if you pull really hard, you may reach the League Leaders list.

For more detailed information about this challenge, click here. This page is part of The Rowing Service, and was written by Mark Reynolds for Rachel Quarrell

Enter your score here...

Email address
Club (if applicable)
Town & Country
Category (pick one)
Date Of Birth Please enter your date of birth here
Include Email address in results?

For the challenge, you can complete a 2000 metre piece, 20, 30 or 60 minute piece on a .Concept II Model B or C ergometer.
Distance/Time (mm:ss.hs or metres)

If this is not your first submission for this month's Challenge, then this score will replace your other score(s) if it is better, in this category.

Results will be posted on the Rowing Service on the first few days of each month. Thank you for visiting this page!

The Rowing Service, copyright Rachel Quarrell, 1996.