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Regatta Magazine Online

 News and Features

 Issue 96 - March 1997


Regatta selects an All-Star Eight

A 1986 copy of Oarsmen's Own, the sheet of the defunct International Rowers & Scullers Club, came to the top of the pile in a clear-out the other day. An anonymous writer printed a list of 34 medal winners from the previous 10 years (omitting Bill Mason) and picked a Big Eight from them.

Stroke was between Stanhope, stroke of the 80 and 81 silver eights, Smallbone, stroke of the silver 74 eight, Lester, stroke of the silver 76 eight, Crooks from both those crews, Redgrave the 84 Olympic champ, and Roberts of the 77 silver pair.

Seven was between Yallop, 7-man in the 74 and 76 boats, McGowan the 7-man in the 80 and 81 eights, and Townsend, 3-man in the Tanner three-times bronze four.

Six was between 'The Nutter' (Crooks) and 'Diego Redgravy'.

Five was between Justice of the 80 and 81 crews, Holmes and Budgett of the 84 golden four, and Matheson from the 74 and 76 engine room and the single in 79 and 80.

Any of the candidates for Seven as well as Budgett ('the blond giant, that's what a gay pressman called him') would do for Three.

Two had three possibilities - Maxwell from the 4 seat of 74 and 76 crews, Mahoney the 4-man of the 80 and 81 crews, and Cross of the Tanner and Olympic 86 fours.

Bow was between Clift (Redgrave's junior partner), McNuff (from the Tanner four) and Clark (from the 74 and 76 eights and the 77 pair).

The cox's seat was between Pat Sweeney, cox for Janousek's crews of the 74 and 76 (and now national coach of Belgium) and the test pilot for Mothercare and future Miniature of Sport Colin Moynihan, MP (at the time).

The final line-up?

Stroke John Roberts ('will try and do a bit of winter training for a change'),
7 John Yallop ('long in the water, high scorer on the ergo'),
6 Steve Redgrave ('one of the two outstanding oarsmen of the decade'),
5 Hugh Matheson ('his link with Crooks in the 74 and 76 eights provided the attack and power which the rest could feed off'),
4 Tim Crooks ('one of the two outstanding oarsmen of the decade'),
3 Andy Holmes ('one of the hard men of British rowing - you try hod carrying and training at the same time'),
2 Martin Cross ('his staying power would give him the edge'),
Bow Jim Clark ('big ergo capacity' but with Adam Clift threatening to displace him),
Cox Pat Sweeney ('crew contains more of his men than Moynihan's).

Another 10 years has slipped by since the above. Let's pick Hammer's All-Star Eight from the last decade's medal winners - a narrower choice if every bit as illustrious. Send your line-up to

Hammer Smith at Regatta,
6 Lower Mall,
London W6 9DJ,
fax 0181 741 4658, e-mail

Here are the eligible candidates:

Simon Berrisford, Matthew Brittin, Martin Cross, Terry Dillon, Tim Foster,
Andy Holmes, J Hulls, Anton and Rupert Obholzer, Richard Phelps, Matthew Pinsent,
Steve Redgrave, Greg and Jonny Searle, Jonathan Singfield, Gavin Stewart, Richard Stanhope,
Steve Turner, Jim Walker.
Coxes -
Adrian Ellison, Gary Herbert, Pat Sweeney.

Maybe you feel some lightweights merit inclusion, eg Chris Bates, Peter Haining, Toby Hessian, Tom Kay, Carl Smith etc.

© Copyright Regatta Magazine, 1997.

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